This is Testnet block explorer of Dymension Playground
DYM Transactions
of #4768667
Txn Hash | Type | Block | Time | Total Value DYM |
Txn Fee DYM |
E7E2C312EC0A321AFDBC99C9EDDA675086BA5BA5CBF4472FB78C7E7A8CBE9FCE | Send | 4768667 | 2025-01-04 22:00:56 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |
A90913303FE1FBAF06CA919D8592AF6FBB47A2CD1C1F97B6E6614E24A5AC0350 | Send | 4768667 | 2025-01-04 22:00:56 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |
CBF408DBDA5959E805160ADDAB2CA34EFFEE6C9794B6FF6F065B8C0A98A5C4B0 | Send | 4768667 | 2025-01-04 22:00:56 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |
49AB3D149F55F93634470095956407DF4EADBBA116EB9B71311A9B69008CC0B8 | Send | 4768667 | 2025-01-04 22:00:56 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |