This is Testnet block explorer of Dymension Playground
DYM Transactions
of #4757864
Txn Hash | Type | Block | Time | Total Value DYM |
Txn Fee DYM |
49AC5FC2B0258E158584AE716253F1A8A43B6A5F24207E2FE03F6EC59CD3CDE7 | Send | 4757864 | 2025-01-04 05:39:56 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |
B1ADBD545FAFEB5635156B484539392B12A344D958DF0F58E3F2F78D5C1A74F6 | Send | 4757864 | 2025-01-04 05:39:56 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |
F1F2866FADECAEDC80AC0AE0AF26F3BEA45830178B143C94FED2E6C75012A0B6 | Send | 4757864 | 2025-01-04 05:39:56 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |
E564B0708B15DEBC6796B9AEBB5A2D1AAF9E5C6BEE0EEAEA0A9EC615B3EB0642 | Send | 4757864 | 2025-01-04 05:39:56 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |