This is Testnet block explorer of Dymension Playground
DYM Transactions
of #4705045
Txn Hash | Type | Block | Time | Total Value DYM |
Txn Fee DYM |
99137EA202E0F49B74DBDCCA901FC0B194DC2DADFC348DF088E34AFF4339B159 | Send | 4705045 | 2024-12-31 21:54:10 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |
B1C2653FA3C589ED615B4485BDE2C3968FD03647E1C8C412DFA71F528374D762 | Update RollApp State | 4705045 | 2024-12-31 21:54:10 UTC | 0.00492082 | |
D1BD3B6EEDB78614C9FA4D4BC9C8EB6D043F7572F145B7CF60FE3C4C77C64BE1 | Send | 4705045 | 2024-12-31 21:54:10 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |
7D4119E9F6FC0CD19B4D1B03143A95450A860971DF06D292C20D7F4285EFE4C7 | Update RollApp State | 4705045 | 2024-12-31 21:54:10 UTC | 0.0049359 | |
32F8C8A8548777A924CCA663E54432EBD1FBD25765867696537890A8A249C69D | Send | 4705045 | 2024-12-31 21:54:10 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |
44C5A74978380393D81460C16E6499FFA338DBAF2B14D6FA1CB6A786E6F8FEA1 | Send | 4705045 | 2024-12-31 21:54:10 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |
70C0948741723ABDA3E8C87340BD1B524BB3BC1BEA28F3FEEDFEF4C3430751D6 | Send | 4705045 | 2024-12-31 21:54:10 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |