This is Testnet block explorer of Dymension Playground
DYM Transactions
of #4667141
Txn Hash | Type | Block | Time | Total Value DYM |
Txn Fee DYM |
422D5D262F6D986E0E165C40C94698081936B208AFB6C66B128B3E97AFB930F1 | Send | 4667141 | 2024-12-29 12:46:46 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |
6DE946E58019D319939F71FEC2554C9343855561BACC726990EE387DDD0AA628 | Send | 4667141 | 2024-12-29 12:46:46 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |
099AE669A45462971BE84E73C3B948D111527513D9448437F2E2BEC8009226BD | Send | 4667141 | 2024-12-29 12:46:46 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |
251DC0B9422D31A4B256516AD27541F8E04E0E8F4F9E1BA9B227406D41F32311 | Send | 4667141 | 2024-12-29 12:46:46 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |