This is Testnet block explorer of Dymension Playground
DYM Transactions
of #4626293
Txn Hash | Type | Block | Time | Total Value DYM |
Txn Fee DYM |
DD455C1DFFD5A54861BDADC6B47EED3867B7FAE351D20BA415C4FF15AE9C0682 | Send | 4626293 | 2024-12-26 23:07:53 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |
3B2DF9513FA6EB4409691C5604C79F916E10AEDFA433D1F6184D87229540CF9D | Send | 4626293 | 2024-12-26 23:07:53 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |
B6218288858E0403E8EE6B5E8C1812DB62AD181F831022F26A44D6914369A225 | Send | 4626293 | 2024-12-26 23:07:53 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |
CB034868B9BE225E283E09225F6B3748E412817D910C9FFA5746E72365FE2235 | Send | 4626293 | 2024-12-26 23:07:53 UTC | under 1 | 0.006 |