This is Testnet block explorer of Dymension Playground
DYM Transactions of #4448693
Txn Hash Type Block Time Total Value
Txn Fee
F06FB6137C5680F5BE7BD6C17521084A1EC99C17F49A3AECAF8B91BCD4F46407 Swap Exact Amt In 4448693 2024-12-15 19:38:11 UTC ~1.08 0.00793226
23DDB8B62A97D6704ABC5E33957EF0F7CBF59F4FC7E599C571C08DED9EA3BADF IBC Receive +1 4448693 2024-12-15 19:38:11 UTC 0.00811884
AE0F1C13FE46C2A488A78CDEB50705E69B508A0F3EC73BD8113CC7DD8CBADB0F Submit Group Proposal +1 4448693 2024-12-15 19:38:11 UTC 0.004
757CE5D41908DC9964D95EB88F87F084C323595C3430C8DB59A0B2BC0CB0D70F IBC Update Client 4448693 2024-12-15 19:38:11 UTC 0.00543558