This is Testnet block explorer of Dymension Playground
DYM Transactions of #4260546
Txn Hash Type Block Time Total Value
Txn Fee
52A5C68DBA66378156E67A729A4A3B61D1368447FFF8480E6F0D773167D0DE50 IBC Update Client 4260546 2024-12-03 19:14:04 UTC 0.00653996
1CE1FF7833BA1849874978815FFB73C647B56F0148100D9CCA016054197E5345 Swap Exact Amt In 4260546 2024-12-03 19:14:04 UTC 2 0.0060389
E7CD6D2A5384D542F2521EC6EEFF20E77D841183072B772CC093AD13B087CD9F Buy IRO Exact Spend 4260546 2024-12-03 19:14:04 UTC under 1 0.0050391