This is Testnet block explorer of Dymension Playground
DYM Transactions of #4181017
Txn Hash Type Block Time Total Value
Txn Fee
81435C6232458D8F4CC13B699912C56F52A681207D3A575B89B138243CCCB659 Swap Exact Amt In 4181017 2024-11-28 18:58:28 UTC ~2.04 0.00816532
E980A95F6F6FCC1CAACC355102A1B9157C5519078922898CF209AFD5CCFB18D3 IBC Update Client 4181017 2024-11-28 18:58:28 UTC 0.00534042
A8DA6A1A365EA33E276D8BB4254274E92F5A6883219C18D93C1E02CFE4121C6D Buy IRO Exact Spend 4181017 2024-11-28 18:58:28 UTC under 1 0.00502926