This is Testnet block explorer of Dymension Playground
DYM Transactions of #4179502
Txn Hash Type Block Time Total Value
Txn Fee
8AC79480AB4951AAFBEA0DD5B51958D70EA77D2F4A3698288720F3B665B6DB94 Swap Exact Amt In 4179502 2024-11-28 16:41:04 UTC under 1 0.00773764
D4C2B71155018FC7106A029413690CB657FA278669293221EB6C5385E1088D89 Update RollApp State 4179502 2024-11-28 16:41:04 UTC 0.00423076
6B64A523380745273E1B93B4E7E7F99D1D3BC0055D3474C5F4A8AFB568730B35 Update RollApp State 4179502 2024-11-28 16:41:04 UTC 0.00429012