This is Testnet block explorer of Dymension Playground
DYM Transactions of #4145927
Txn Hash Type Block Time Total Value
Txn Fee
9965A3DEF777B8B8AE7AA5E77F40F557E952C0382A43C9C856B71D3A50E0D49A Update RollApp State 4145927 2024-11-26 14:09:54 UTC 0.0044515
DBFB645C7CCF98E5EFEA26B19BD0503459505A4E4C844486D20D7E5D361D5FDE Update RollApp State 4145927 2024-11-26 14:09:54 UTC 0.0044752
DBD0F8659FD6AFC926C41E8BD32964E60EED4EC7AD8D0944CBB99AAA6ED6AEBB Swap Exact Amt In 4145927 2024-11-26 14:09:54 UTC under 1 0.00624212