This is Testnet block explorer of Dymension Playground
Address Details
0x-style Address:
DYM-style Address:
DYM balance:
0.867346920861892787 DYM
Other coins balance:
0.002610894754873567 VNB
0.004850284378004401 IRO/LEGO
0.000068821811408866 IRO/TESTS
0.000061863889672065 IRO/THAI
Total staked:
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The following data is not real-time. Updates every few minutes.

Action Granted By Granted To Expiration
Stake dym1wha2yv9vv6el2x0tv7rf4uqn64z87gc6x9ktxv 0x5e11737e0a06ab24e7103de2907b610ebe3495ec 2025-02-07 23:00:00 UTC
Stake dym1wha2yv9vv6el2x0tv7rf4uqn64z87gc6x9ktxv 0x62123fa0f26e66879ea175393b23d3eabd8ba6c0 2025-02-19 23:00:00 UTC
Stake dym1wha2yv9vv6el2x0tv7rf4uqn64z87gc6x9ktxv 0xb6c21fbbf38f946de936b6f0bbfed15b8dbc7599 2025-02-06 23:00:00 UTC
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