This is Testnet block explorer of Dymension Playground
Address Details
0x-style Address:
DYM-style Address:
DYM balance:
0.2502211197814223 DYM
Other coins balance:
0.000000000000000033 MAND
Total staked:
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The following data is not real-time. Updates every few minutes.

Action Granted By Granted To Expiration
Stake dym1slsp4gfuwtm44cvc8ll0cxw27khggycm6lc9sw 0xa80ece3d4c8cc2c98cd65f9797d166d0fbfa4466 2025-03-06 16:00:00 UTC
Stake dym1slsp4gfuwtm44cvc8ll0cxw27khggycm6lc9sw 0xdd0e5afb49547caf3fb92f8d4f4b667359dcf178 2025-03-06 16:00:00 UTC
Stake dym1slsp4gfuwtm44cvc8ll0cxw27khggycm6lc9sw 0xf69eb0c85799e3e5591307c953d68283e5af8ea2 2025-03-06 16:00:00 UTC
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