This is Testnet block explorer of Dymension Playground
Address Details
DYM-style Address:
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Action Granted By Granted To Expiration
eIBC Fulfill Order Authorized 0x8cc1663000380397ee8c2730c5615e41a9f97934 dym1qauj8jul7u5f6sekn73qffhysex6lsjhw8n95jyrhn8n7237xvkssgruy9 No Expiration
eIBC Fulfill Order Authorized 0xbc8facfdc6d8a4c988656192f7577ad1a0630566 dym1qauj8jul7u5f6sekn73qffhysex6lsjhw8n95jyrhn8n7237xvkssgruy9 No Expiration
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