This is Testnet block explorer of Dymension Playground
Address Details
0x-style Address:
DYM-style Address:
DYM balance:
0.06560228 DYM
Total staked:
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The following data is not real-time. Updates every few minutes.

Action Granted By Granted To Expiration
Stake dym1ps53suz2aqflleswdtjlygql9rjyux74d2pu68 0xa1a4d1cf4b7b482409303cfa8da1f5249933fe15 2027-04-17 16:00:00 UTC
Stake dym1ps53suz2aqflleswdtjlygql9rjyux74d2pu68 0xb42eae306c079095a1b83c9aa9ebc1c3b025b4dc 2027-04-16 16:00:00 UTC
Stake dym1ps53suz2aqflleswdtjlygql9rjyux74d2pu68 0xef647955faf255857fa9143665b7eab122fd0388 2025-04-16 16:00:00 UTC
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