This is Testnet block explorer of Dymension Playground
Address Details
DYM-style Address:
DYM balance:
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Action Granted By Granted To Expiration
eIBC Fulfill Order Authorized 0x401ce51c79dd1a5c27ee4c64816ef110cbbede6e dym1hz7x4pz9jdn2uzvxedqaz8lautqjdgk47rt8u3auxhmlx8ycz2asfplvpe No Expiration
eIBC Fulfill Order Authorized 0xd1d70aa4815d070a1d14c55c0f7f727128c1d9f3 dym1hz7x4pz9jdn2uzvxedqaz8lautqjdgk47rt8u3auxhmlx8ycz2asfplvpe No Expiration
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