This is Testnet block explorer of Dymension Playground
Address Details
0x-style Address:
DYM-style Address:
DYM balance:
103.041467668181283712 DYM
Other coins balance:
0.01205725227652697 VNB
0.300248 TIA
1.997 MAND
0.015351649555213458 IRO/LEGO
0.000317657062355555 IRO/TESTS
0.000211258838572023 IRO/THAI
Total staked:
Total Founder Earnings :
0.000001754031544968 DYM
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The following data is not real-time. Updates every few minutes.

Action Granted By Granted To Expiration
Stake dym1gnrx6x8kutdfq6fd2eg4l8tvsf0q8zgnepdkcn 0x12b4041436060d78fedc459e83f5e1166b2e914c 2025-05-20 04:00:00 UTC
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