This is Testnet block explorer of Dymension Playground
Address Details
DYM-style Address:
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Action Granted By Granted To Expiration
eIBC Fulfill Order Authorized 0x25fe87cd79063053a3f512c3bc2281eb04920408 dym134gg0lm2qhuwt36hc8wcxv9lfn84mxhzeh2qmawukh0h08kvqgzqgvv0h5 No Expiration
eIBC Fulfill Order Authorized 0xe4c324da1ed5fdd5afea8ab5712bdf0f19794633 dym134gg0lm2qhuwt36hc8wcxv9lfn84mxhzeh2qmawukh0h08kvqgzqgvv0h5 No Expiration
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